The 7 Biggest Wastes of Time for Agents


  1. Consuming content instead of creating it.
    • The average person spends almost 2.5 hours per day on social media.
    • That’s over 112 hours per month.
    • That’s over 1,344 hours per year.
    • Social media is an incredible waste of time if you are not budgeting for usage and maximizing its impact.
    • What would happen if you took 30 minutes per day out of what you are already spending on social media consuming content, and instead spent 30 minutes creating content?
    • When you focus on creating content rather than consuming it, you will begin to see momentum in your business.


  1. Being busy instead of productive.
    • Busy is frantic.
    • Productive is focused.
    • Most agents have their days filled with busy, which gives them a false sense of accomplishment.
    • What are the five activities you do that create the most return for your business?
    • If you don’t know those five activities, figure them out ASAP and start doing those five things every day.


  1. Doing tasks instead of delegating.
    • How much is it costing you to do the small stuff?
    • If you make $100,000 per year, you average $50 per hour.
    • Why are you stuffing envelops when you could be generating leads?
    • Don’t spend an hour on a social media post when you could be generating leads?
    • As I said before, just because you are busy doesn’t mean you are being productive.


  1. Perfecting a logo instead of having real estate conversations.
    • Your lack of a log is not holding you back.
    • The name of your company is not your brand.
    • YOU are your brand.
    • I have never seen a seller or buyer use an agent because of the company/firm you are with.
    • People do business with people.
    • When your business slows down, more advertising is not the solution. More focus on conversations with people who can send you a referral is the solution.


  1. Being reactive instead of proactive.
    • Do you have a plan of action every day?
    • Keep it simple with 5 goals per day.
    • Make sure they are attainable.
    • Create your list of to-dos the night before you need to do them.
    • Planning your week or your month in advance has value if you keep it in front of you at all times.
    • Track your progress with larger projects and break them up into smaller tasks.


  1. Focusing on quantity instead of quality on social media posts.
    • If you are posting for business purposes, ask yourself if the post has anything to do with bringing in your ideal client.
    • Algorithms are looking for creators that post quality posts more than it is looking for quantity.


  1. Spending time with unproductive people
    • If you are in a room with 5 other high producers, you will be the 6th.
    • If you are in a room with 5 lazy people, you will be the 6th.
    • You are a product of the 5 people you spend the most time with.